Today  Th, Feb. 13, 2025  GMT
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What is feelRace?
*** As of today 335 races signed in for 2025. ***
You are a runner, triathlete, biker, or a swimmer, and have signed up for a race?

No matter if you are going for a 10 km run, half-marathon, marathon, triathlon, or another race – with feelRace you announce your planned target time for the upcoming race. Your sporting pals, friends, team colleagues, and competitors may look up your races and target times in the Starters List of feelRace anytime.

How accurate is your intuition and self-evaluation? What have you already observed during trainings?

Up until the race day you may still adjust your target time – in case you get uncertain. But on the race day and afterwards, further changes will not be possible anymore. After the race, one will know how accurate your prediction was. The closer you get to your goal, the higher you will rise in the Ranking List of feelRace.

The key is how precise your target is, not what you achieve as a total race time.

Do you want to run your race together with other people? If yes, then mark your race with "sports buddies" and meet new runners with a similar target time at your race (± 5% of your target time).

Your timetable (your race is on a Sunday for example):
Wednesday 4 days before the race You will receive a reminder that you may still adjust your target time according to your actual fitness until the evening before the race day.
Friday If there are
races on the weekend, ...
All team members are informed Fridays about who of their team will be racing in which race on the weekend. If you are a member of a team or group, you will be informed as well, and your team colleagues will know by email where you will race.
Saturday Late evening before the race day Your entry in the Starters List will be locked. The entry is moved into the Open Starters List. Now, changes to your target time are not possible anymore.
Sunday Race day Good luck !
Wednesday 3 days after the race In case you did not enter your achieved race result up until this day, you will be reminded to do so. Upon entering your result, you are moved into the Ranking List – positioned according to how precise you have achieved your goal.
Tuesday 30 days after the race Final closing of your race. Up until this day, your sporting pals, friends, team colleagues, and competitors may enter greetings and congratulations in your race. And after that? Go for the next race !

With your entry of your target time at feelRace, you also provide the link to the race organizer's Website. This way, all cards are put on the table.

Interested? Sign in your race now.

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